Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Vanilla Fudge Whore beats Falstaff's Concubines*

Some clarification on today's heading...last night was the first pub quiz at The Globe and my team concluded that a new name was in order for our debut at the new digs. Being horrendous geeks (an essential quality to any good pub quizer) we decided based on the new establishment's name that the Shakespearean character "Falstaff" would be apropos.

After the 1st round we heard the official team names announced, (some creative, others quite lacking!) and among them the moniker "Vanilla Fudge Whore." A consensus was taken, and it was decided that although we'd pit our scholastic mettle against any of the teams easily, perhaps we sounded a tad stodgy and needed a bit of an adaptation....I suggested Falstaff's Concubines and a valiant effort was made under this banner! But alas, despite being able to name the various classes of quarks, we ended up choking on the picture round missing Lenny Bruce, Sam Phillips and Harry Caray! (these were NOT obvious pictures...heck, we thought Harry Caray was Leonid Breznev!)

But 2nd is not a bad finish, we won "Food Products To Be Determined" *yum FPTBD* and next week we SHALL recapture our crown!

* Footnote: On the way back from the bar, I realized that I actually had meant to suggest courtesan instead of freshman year in high school I took Shakespearean Comedies and when the class was asked for volunteers to read, I had jumped excitedly at the part of "courtesan." I was only 14 and having been ridiculously sheltered had no idea what the word meant; I thought it was perhaps a female chamberlain or jester...when informed that the part I clamored for was "a lady of ill-repute" my mortification was palatable to say the least!


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