Monday, July 04, 2005

You've just crossed over into the THE COLLEGIATE ZONE!

Talk about unlocking a door to a past dimension! I have been spending the evening working on rounds for Pub Quiz tomorrow (Tues) night, and WHAT do my wandering fingers run across on Wikipedia?

Mao: The Card Game

This rather bizarre little 3 deck card game was taught to myself and Logan's Dave under the green haze of Macalester's hallowed halls about 12 years ago. Our tutor in question was of East Coast decent and for all we knew he made the crazy thing up....liberal arts school + plentiful herb garden = profound thoughts every 3.2 seconds! But here, in cyber-print IS that very game! If you can rustle some adventurous souls and a bunch of cards, play a hand....and don't talk about the rules!


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