Thursday, July 06, 2006

Jen's Job: Time of Death 7:48am

or Happy Thursday to me!

This is not entirely surprising news, I've been on borrowed time for about three weeks now....that was when I was "officially" laid off. But, as I've been working everyday since then, it was apparently just a long and terminal disease my employment was suffering.

It did end in an icky way, which really burns my bum as these seemed like nice folks.

Yesterday, I was told by my boss at the end of a half day that while things were definitely slow, I would be given 3-4 days notice MINIMUM before they would end the assignment. This morning my cell rang with a call from his assistant; apparently the bossman would not be in today and I should go ahead and look for another assignment.

Of course, the kicker is I STILL have to go in this afternoon to get my coffee mug and calendar as well as have my timesheets signed....that could have been done yesterday with the appropriate and respectful closure accorded to someone that has worked for them a diligiant 10 months!

The most ironic thing is I flipped my Dr. Seuss calendar over yesterday (I had Monday off) to July and what was the quote?

"I know up on the top you are seeing great sights, but down at the bottom we, too, should have rights."

You said it Yertle, Power to the People!


Blogger Mike Moody said...

That sucks Jen. :( Maybe you could design my tomato stand for Bosco's hotel -- I'll give you a cut of each tomato sold.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

does this mean you're joining me for margaritas at 2?

just curious if i should get an extra seat at the table or not.

11:00 AM  
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1:59 AM  

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